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Submitted by mccaffer on Wed, 01/30/2008 - 3:59pm

Some useful sources for more background on Nicaraguan archaeology:

 Abel-Vidor, Suzanne  1981 Ethnohistorical Approaches to the Archaeology of Greater Nicoya. In Between Continents/Between Seas: Precolumbian Art of Costa Rica, edited by Elizabeth P. Benson, pp. 85-92. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. Publishers, New York.

Abel-Vidor, Suzanne, Claude Baudez, Ronald Bishop, Leidy Bonilla V., Marlin Calvo M., Winifred Creamer, Jane Day, Juan V. Guerrero, Paul Healy, John Hoopes, Frederick W. Lange, Silvia Salgado, Robert Stroessner and Alice Tillet  1987 Principales Tipos Cerámicos y Variedades de la Gran Nicoya. Vínculos: Revista de Antropología del Museo Nacional de Costa Rica 13(1-2):35–317.

 Bonilla, Leidy, Marlin Calvo, Juan Guerroro, Silvia Salgado, and Frederick Lange 1990 La cerámica de la Gran Nicoya. Vinculos: Revista de Antropología del Museo Nacional de Costa Rica 13(1-2): 1-327.

Bovallius, Carl 1886 Nicaraguan Antiquities. Serie Arqueologica No. 1, Swedish Society of Anthropology and Geography. Stockholm, Sweden.

Chapman, Anne C. 1960 Los Nicarao y los Chorotega según las fuentes historicas. Publicaciones de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Serie Historia y Geografía, No. 4.San José, Costa Rica.

Day, Jane Stevenson 1994 Central Mexican Imagery in Greater Nicoya. In Mixteca-Puebla: Discoveries and Research in Mesoamerican Art and Archaeology, edited by H.B. Nicholson and E. Quinones Keber, pp. 235-248. Labyrinthos Press, Culver City, CA.

Debert, Jolene  2005 Raspadita, A New Lithic Tool Type from Santa Isabel, Nicaragua. MA thesis, Department of Anthropology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Debert, Jolene and Barbara L. Sheriff  2007  Raspadita: A New Lithic Tool from the Isthmus of Rivas, Nicaragua Journal of Archaeological Science 34: 1889-1901.

Dickau, Ruth  1999 Paleoethnobotany of the Lake Managua Region, Nicaragua. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta.

 Espinoza P., Edgar, Ramiro García V., and Fumiyo Suganuma 1999 Rescate Arqueológico en el Sitio San Pedro, Malacatoya, Granada, Nicaragua. Instituto Nicaraguense de Cultura, Museo Nacional de Nicaragua, Managua, Nicaragua.

Fowler, William R., Jr. 1989 The Evolution of Ancient Nahua Civilizations: The Pipil-Nicarao of Central America. University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, OK.

Franco, Fredy  2002 Las Sociedades Aborígenes de Nicaragua: Los Nicaraos y Chorotegas. En Historia de Nicaragua: Texto Básico, editada por Jilma Romero (coord.), pp. 11-40. UNAN-Managua

Healy, Paul F. 1980 Archaeology of the Rivas Region, Nicaragua. Wilfred Laurier University Press, Waterloo, Ontario.

Healy, Paul F. 1988 Greater Nicoya and Mesoamerica: Analysis of Selected Ceramics. In Costa Rican Art and Archaeology, edited by Frederick W. Lange, pp. 293-301. University of Colorado Press, Boulder, CO.

Lange, Frederick W. 1992 The Search for Elite Personages and Site Hierarchies in Greater Nicoya. In Wealth and Hierarchy in the Intermediate Area, edited by Frederick W. Lange, pp. 109-140. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, D.C.

Lange, Frederick W. 1992-93 Evaluación historica del concepto Gran Nicoya. Vinculos: Revista de Antropopgía del Museo Nacional de Costa Rica 18-19: 1-8.

Lange, Frederick W. (Editor) 1996 Abundante Cooperación Vecinal: La Segunda Temporada del Proyecto "Arqueología de la Zona Metropolitana de Managua." Alcaldía de Managua, Nicaragua.

León-Portilla, Miguel  1972 Religión de los Nicaraos: Análisis y Comparación de Tradiciones Culturales Nahuas. Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico, DF.

Lothrop, Samuel K.  1926 The Pottery of Costa Rica and Nicaragua, 2 vols. Heye Foundation, Museum of the American Indian Memoir 8, New York, NY.

McCafferty, Geoffrey G. and Larry Steinbrenner  2005a Chronological Implications for Greater Nicoya from the Santa Isabel Project, Nicaragua. Ancient Mesoamerica 16 (1):131-146.

McCafferty, Geoffrey G. and Larry Steinbrenner  2005b The Meaning of the Mixteca-Puebla Style: A Perspective from Nicaragua. In Art for Archaeology’s Sake: Material Culture and Style across the Disciplines, edited by Andrea Waters-Rist, Christine Cluney, Calla McNamee and Larry Steinbrenner; pp. 282-292. Proceedings of the 2000 Chacmool Conference, Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.

Motolinía, Fray Toribio de Benavente  1951 History of the Indians of New Spain (translated by F.B. Steck), Academy of American Franciscan History, Washington D.C. [Originally written in 1540]

Niemel, Karen Stephanie  2003 Social Change and Migration in the Rivas Region, Pacific Nicaragua (1000 BC - AD1522). PhD dissertation, Department of Anthropology, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY.

Niemel, Karen, Manuel Román Lacayo, and Silvia Salgado González  1997 El migración de grupos mesoamericanos hacia el pacífico de Nicaragua durante el período posclásico temprano: una revisión de la secuencia cerámica de Gran Nicoya. In XI Simposio de Investigaciones Arqueológicas en Guatemala, 1997, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte and Hector Escobedo. Museo Nacional de Arqueología e Etnología, Guatemala.

Norweb, Albert H.  1964 Ceramic Stratigraphy in Southwestern Nicaragua. Actas, 35th International Congress of Americanists 1: 551-561.

Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo Fernando de  1976 Nicaragua en las Crónicas de Indias: Oviedo. Banco de America, Fondo de Promoción Cultural, Serie Cronistas 3, Managua, Nicaragua.

Pohl, Mary and Paul Healy  1980 "Mohammed’s Paradise": The Exploitation of Faunal Resources in the Rivas Region of Nicaragua. In Archaeology of the Rivas Region, Nicaragua, edited by Paul F. Healy, pp. 287-294. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, Waterloo, ON.

Salgado González, Silvia  1996 Social Change in the Region of Granada, Pacific Nicaragua (1000 B.C. - 1522 A.D.). Ph.D. dissertation, State University of New York, Albany, NY.

Steinbrenner, Larry Leonard  2002 Ethnicity and Ceramics in Rivas, Nicaragua, AD 800-1550. MA thesis, Department of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.

Torquemada, Fray Juan de   1975-83 Monarquía Indiana, 7 volumes (coordinated by M. Leon-Portilla). Instituto de Investigaciones Historicas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, Mexico D.F. [Originally written in 1615]

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